Monday, October 14, 2013

NMTRemote V.4.1 submitted for approval

New version v.4.1 has been submitted  to the app store for approval.

This version has been updated to be ios 7 friendly. Also address issue with movie search (themoviedb).


  1. Hi, I am looking for a remote app for my A-400. Can this latest version supports music and video playback?

    For music playback, I would like to not opening my TV and remote control on iphone just with A400 powered up and music stored in the internal hard drive.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. I bought it but find it not fully compatible with A-400. Please kindly fix it.
    FYI, I am using iOS version 5.1.1, hope the new version no need upgrade to iOS 6 or 7.

  3. The app still randomly crashes when i'm browsing through my sources. Anyone else experiencing this problem?

  4. (using a iPad 2 with iOS 7.0.4 with a Popcorn Hour C-200 (latest firmware)

  5. Button Return doesn't work with PopCorn A-400.And,please,add Cyrillic alphabeth!

  6. Hi Theo,

    With your latest release, do i need any additional software on my Egreat media player ?


    1. Hi,

      it's quite a while since i've used the egreat player but as i remember it you shouldn't need any additional software.

      This was a requirement for the very early popcorn versions that didn't have a telnet client.

      You can test this if you try to connect to your egreat player using a telnet client from a computer. If your egreat returns a response to login then you are fine.

      Thank you

    2. Thanks for the reply Theo.

      I really wouldn't have a clue how to do this :(

      Do you have a step by step guide/wiki somewhere i can follow on getting the remote connected ?

      My remote for my egreat device has died.

      Thanks again !

    3. Hi,

      please note that i have tested this only with egreat M34a player, as noted in the NMT Remote description, which has a telnet client.

      If you have another type that doesn't come with telnet sorry but i wouldn't know how to guide you.

      If you want to see if you can telnet your device just search 'how to telnet' but you will need the address of your egreat player.


    4. Thanks Theo, I don't suppose there is away of getting my address without having to go in with my remote ?

    5. will if you have a pc you can download one of the many free ip scanners that are available.

      this will show all the connected devices on your network with their ip address.


    6. Hi Teo,

      I went ahed and bought the app this evening, when i get to the last step to run the install file on the NMT. I then get an error " request can not be processed"

      I have run the cmd chmod 755 on the .cgi file to make it executable, although it does not seem to do much to the look of the file. is it meant to change it from .bin ?

      PLease if you do not mind giving me some further advice to get this sorted.

