Monday, November 29, 2010

NMT Remote V.2.6.106 Available from App Store

Version V.2.6.106 is finally available fixing the previous bug that caused the app to crash.

More features will be coming soon.


  1. Hi.. I have a problem with this version of apps. I installed Busybox and Telnetd on my Popcorn A110. I can connect to the NMT and use the Remote options and Sources options without problem. But when I select a video via the Media option, I can't launch it on the NMT. When I select the same video via the Remote option, all work fine. Can you help me?. Many thanks in advance.

  2. Hi,

    this is because busybox26 is not installed or set correctly. Check the parameters from the settings tab if they are correct.
    Check also if busybox26 is on your pch.


  3. Hi,

    I suppose that Busybox26 is correctly installed because I can connect to the pch via a telent client on my PC. I can open the telent session and I can read the following message on then screen :

    BusyBox v1.5.0 (2010-05-11 10:32:33 MYT) Built-in shell (ash)
    Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

    / # ls

    With telnet, I can find the busybox26 file in the following path

    /opt/sybhttpd/localhost.drives/HARD_DISK/bin # ls
    1 ftpput more printf traceroute
    busybox26 hexdump nc telnet vi
    ftpget md5sum nohup telnetd

    The command ls -l :

    /opt/sybhttpd/localhost.drives/HARD_DISK/bin # ls -l
    -rw-r--r-- 1 nmt nmt 20 Dec 19 19:26 1
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 nmt nmt 598768 Dec 19 19:26 busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 ftpget -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 ftpput -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 hexdump -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 md5sum -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 more -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 nc -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 nohup -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 printf -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 telnet -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 telnetd -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 traceroute -> busybox26
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Dec 19 18:50 vi -> busybox26
    /opt/sybhttpd/localhost.drives/HARD_DISK/bin #

    Many thanks for your help...

  4. Hi,

    yes it does seem installed.

    Could you please verify that the setting 'busybox26 Location'from the NMT Remote app is correct, that is
    Hard Disk and


  5. Thank you very much, all work fine now... It's a great application..

    Effectivly, by default, the location field was defined to "/temp".. Following your advice, I put the value "/bin" and all work fine..

    Thanks a lot

  6. Thank you for the nmt 2.6.106, I now managed to install it but IT STILL CRASHES!
    It crashes when I try to open the SATA\Music directory specifically and not with the other directories....any suggestions please? Thanks, Dimitri

  7. There were a couple of problems that cuased the app to crash, but these have been fixed.

    These where very long directories (i've tested it upto a 1500 file directory) and now it works fine.

    The other issue was with special characters. These have been treated accordingly, but maybe it's some character that has been left out. check if any exist and just try to move elsewhere just for testing.

    Thank you

  8. OK thanks what characters are difficult to handle ? So I can look for them...And with 1500 you mean 1500 chrs path length?

  9. works now I deleted some orphan files in the music dir like:
    I guess this made it work, thank you and keep up this good work!

  10. I've downloaded the app and the lundman shell.
    The latter is the problem as I don't have a HD installed on my PHC A-200.
    Does anyone now how I can install the lundman shell using an USB-stick?
    Thanks in advance!

  11. Hi,

    you can install lundman shell and other apps to a usb stick.
    It's a bit hit and miss concerning the type of usb flash you are going to use.
    You will be more safe if you use and 8GB usb. Here you can find a compatibility list

    I was able to install it on a corsair 16GB usb directly from the pch and then made a disk image to a 4GB usb (which didn't work initially) and works fine now.


  12. Hi there,
    Thanks for your instant reply!
    I use and Sandisk Cruzer 8GB and indeed it works fine.

    I also saw the trhead on

    so I changed the link in the html-file to USB_DRIVE i.s.o. SATA-DISK so that it points to shell-installer.cgi on the USB-stick.
    After doing that the HTML started up on the PCH.
    It tries to start the .cgi file but instantly gives an error message on line 82 and that the file shell can't be found.
    On line 82 in the .cgi file is also pointed to the SATA_DISK location so I also changed that into USB-DRIVE.
    It didn't help as the PCH instantly reports that my request can't be executed and that I can press return to the previous screen.

    Do you have a solution for this?
    Thanks a lot!


  13. Hi,

    installed NMT_Remote on my iPod. Have a A-110 with telnet correctly installed on HDD. NMT_Remote is set to correct ip and harddisk /bin for telnet. Can connect but don't see network in sources. Only Harddisk. But I have all my files on NAS.
    Any Idea?

  14. Hi,

    Network browser isn't supported. You will have to map your network drives from your pch.

    Thank you.

  15. Hi,

    Not sure where to post this so I appologise if this is the wrong place. I am delighted with the NMT appilcation (which I use to control my popcorn). I live on a yacht and it would suit me to fit the popcorn into the electronic system, rather than having it on the chart table where it lives now. With NMT I have full control of the unit as if it where a remote control apart from one button that I do use regularly which is the 'zoom' button. Is it possible to add this to the app at a later date?

    Many thanks


  16. Thanks for your comment. I'll put the zoom button in the next update.

